Drop-In Hours

Peer Advisor Drop-Ins

Drop-ins are with a Pre-Law Peer Advisor and typically last 10-15 minutes.

Go to a drop-in if you:

  • want to learn ways to explore law
  • find out what it means to be ‘pre-law’
  • want to learn more about how to create an application timeline
  • want to learn about LSAT prep

If you are currently in the application process, please make a Pre-Law Advising appointment instead.

Winter Break Hours
Tuesday, January 7 - Friday, January 10

Tuesday, January 14 - Friday, January 17th
12-2pm Virtual and In-person (511 Bruininks Hall)

Spring Semester Hours (January 21 - May 7)

Monday 11am - 3:30pm
Tuesday 3:15 - 4:15pm
Wednesday 11am - 3:15pm
Thursday 3:15 - 4:15pm
Friday 10am - 2pm

No appointment needed. In-person check-in with the front desk at 511 Bruininks. If door is shut, ring doorbell.

For virtual drop-ins, fill out a brief intake form and then get connected to a peer advisor who will assist you via Zoom. You can either write out your question using the chat box or connect through video or voice.

If the link below does not direct you to a drop-in during hours listed, please email [email protected].

Start a Virtual Drop In